As a Grassroots Political Town Committee whose mission is to Identify, Select and Support Republican Candidates that when elected or appointed, represent the interests and values of the people of the Town of Montville.
Chairman Thomas McNally

February 27th
March 27th
April 24th
Awarded schools $165k for security upgrades.
$8 million bond approved for the school’s upgrades and new tennis courts.
Purchased an additional 5 new school buses. No more 30-year-old buses.
Gave $16k to Montville Youth Football League for helmets and gear.
Revamped the aging Montville youth football building with new roof and siding.
New carpeting at TYL middle school.
Provide a van for use by Youth services by working with the BOE
Law Enforcement
Established the first ever Montville Police Department to take effect July 1, 2023
Hired 2 additional police officers as school resource officers for the safety of our students.
Purchased 5 new Police cruisers.
New narcotics K-9 for the police department.
Town Business
No longer listed as a distressed community.
Passed a level funded budget during the worst economic times and high inflation.
Set aside funding for a new animal control facility to replace the 50+ year old out of compliance embarrassment we currently use.
Replaced housing authority members and started an investigation into corruption.
Approved, funded a new state of the art fishing pier and upgraded boat launch off dock road.
Continue to pave roads as part of the $10 million dollar bond for road improvements.
Purchased new Air packs and turn out gear for our firefighters.
Purchased a new generator for Oakdale FD.
Funded new A/C for Raymond Library.
2 new large mowers for Public Works.
Upgraded the free section at the transfer station.

Our 2025 Mission:
Our Vision For Montville:
The Montville Republican Town Committee will act to help shape the quality of life in Montville by advocating to preserve the historic, semi-rural and business corridor of our town while protecting individual property rights. We will be fiscally responsible in the management of town government that can only be achieved by the institution of sound monetary policies and the avoidance of inflationary policies while ensuring transparency. Our vision is to safeguard the political and economic freedoms that are indivisible and that when separated are both in peril but when united are invincible.
2021-2023 achievements of the Republican led Town Council:
Chairman Thomas McNally
Our Executive Officers
Tom McNally
Wills Pike
Vice Chairman:
Al Mandler
Registrar of Voters:
Jeff Rogers
Melissa Yuchniuk
Upcoming Meetings 2025:
The Montville Republican Town Committee meets the 4th Thursday
of each month at 6:30 p.m. at the Montville Town Hall.
310 Route 32, Uncasville CT 06382
(No Meetings in Nov. & Dec.)
All town residents are encouraged and welcome to attend.